Catholic Podcasts

youtubeiconMany Catholic video podcasts found on Youtube deliver insightful, in-depth coverage of a variety topics on the Catholic faith and the institution (two separate things). Utilizing their competence in various fields of philosophy or theology or catechetics or plain ol’ journalism, these Catholics provide a platform for adult discussion on timely topics worthy of your attention and consideration. They use the YouTube platform upon which they build their media strategy. The video selections YouTube offers you based on your history of selections may serve up some intriguing video podcasts. So, if you frequent one podcaster’s videos, YouTube will suggest a selection of others you might be interested in.

Video podcasts give the podcasters lots of time to talk casually as they meander in and out of their subject of the day. It’s like having them in your kitchen with you as you make dinner (which is exactly when I tune into most of them). Many podcasters host terrific guests. Popular Catholic podcasters today will likely tackle the more controversial and provocative topics surrounding the Catholic Church. But if you search their listing, you’ll likely see other topics that are relevant any time.

How to find them? Search “Catholic podcast.” When you find one you like, hit the “Subscribe” button and/or the little yellow bell icon if you want to receive updates or notifications on when they post new videos.

Catalogued Catholic podcast collections found online are another great place to start looking for Catholic podcasts. That’s because they offer a nice selection of programing that includes prominent Catholic speakers, authors, theologians and clergy. Check out Breadbox Media, Ascension Presents, Catholic FAQ and SQPN, outlined below:

Breadbox Media App offers a collection of popular Catholic podcasters with links that take you directly to their podcasts. These are all conveniently catalogued for you under a variety of interests including:

  • bible study and scripture
  • church, society and culture
  • faith and spirituality
  • family life
  • women’s interests
  • men’s interests

Podcasters include Catholic Answers, Scott Hahn, Sr. Kathryn, Kimberly Cook, Fr. Ed Broom, Gary Zimak and more. 

Ascension Presents – Enjoy a variety of podcasts through this web site featuring popular podcasters and even a rountable discussion for those who work in Catholic ministry. Popular podcasters include: Jeff Cavins (living as a disciple in the modern world); Girl Friends (connecting women about that which really matters to them like faith, family, work, relationships); Fr. Mike Schmitz on a variety of faith topics.

catholic FAQ

Catholic FAQ has a listing of recommended Catholic podcasts that includes prominent Catholic speakers, preachers, priests and pundits who are competent and well-informed in their field. Catholic FAQ’s content leans more toward the catechetical side. The married couple who produce the site say:

“This website is just one more way of helping to build up the body (the Church) while not only learning more about my faith, but how to present it to those who know nothing about it. The amount of misconceptions about the Catholic church is unbelievable. I wonder at times where people get their crazy notions from.”


SQPN Star Quest Production Network–They’ve been producing podcasts since about the beginning of popular podcasting. Browse their catalog of Catholic content (evangelization/faith formation/Catholic living) based on your interests and needs. You’ll get quality-produced programs, meaty in content. They’re serious with a smile and deliver their product with integrity. This very popular corner in the world of Catholic audio also delves into Catholic commentary on pop culture including movies, books and television series (heavy on Sci-fi). Here is where you will also find a reliable audio Liturgy of the Hours–Praystation Portable. This is the longest running Catholic daily prayer podcast.

Our recommended individual Catholic podcasts show the broad spectrum of the type of programing out there:

Word-on-Fire-SERMONSWord On Fire Sermons iTunes or off the Word on Fire web site which is formatted for all mobile devices. Enjoy years of sermon (homily) podcasts from WOF Ministries founder, Bishop Robert Barron. He is also the creator and host of the groundbreaking, global ten-part documentary series, CATHOLICISM , which breathed new life into the understanding of our faith on a global scale via broadcast television and digital media.  Enjoy solid teaching in a relaxed, non-threatening style that is easy to understand; his instruction is approachable and engaging. Along with his podcasts, you can also subscribe via RSS feed to Bishop Barron’s blog, articles and YouTube videos. To subscribe, you will need a RSS reader, such as Feedly. Simply sign up for Feedly and then click the subscription button of your choice on the Word on Fire subscription page.

Praystation Portable Podcast (Free) Download from iTunes or off their web site. This is a podcast of Liturgy of the Hours for every day of the week subscribed through SQPN. It uses the approved English translations. If all you want is a simple dry read–no frills–this is a great choice. No music–the reader reads the lyrics to the hymn for the hour.   This podcast plays on any device that can play MP3 files. New podcasts can be uploaded wirelessly if you have that connection ability. So, you don’t need to go through iTunes. You can also play the podcast direct off the internet without any downloading if you are so connected. Of course, you can download the Hours several days ahead. Ideal when on the road (literally) or at night when you don’t want to have light on to read or when you just want to close your eyes to pray. The downside to this podcast is that some listeners find that the reader reads too fast.

Pray as You Go Catholic AppPray as You Go (Free) Apple | Android [in English] Produced by Jesuit Media Initiatives out of Britain, this app invites you to spend about about 11 minutes per day in a systematic method of prayer which you follow in an audio format. A new prayer session is produced for each day of the week and one for weekends with material written by a number of Jesuits and other experts in the spirituality of St Ignatius of Loyola, according to developers. Although the content is different every day, it keeps to the same basic format of gently weaving together music, a scripture passage and a few questions for personal reflection in a each prayer session. Their framework of prayer allows you to:
* become more aware of God’s presence in your life
*listen to and reflect on God’s word
*grow in your relationship with God

You will appreciate the tranquil feel of this meditative production complete with soft chimes and gentle music (which you can purchase off their web site) and engaging questions and reflections for you to ponder. This is an ideal addition to your mobile device, especially if you are looking for something substantive, Scriptural-based, and thought-provoking. Think of plugging into a spiritual retreat for a few minutes each day–“me” time. Perfect for that commute to work, a walk in the park, the time just as you wake or before you retire for the evening.

Interested in creating your own podcast? Check out this informative instruction from Carson Weber.